
Earlier this year we released our ‘DON’T GET STUNNED’ Tee as a part of our Winter 2020 Collection. It was a bold yet subtle message to America NOT to repeat 2016’s election nightmare; “Don’t get stunned.” 

Now this message has never been so pure and so intense. The man in charge of our country is a racist, a rapist, and cares solely about igniting his base with fuel & fire simply to regain their votes. He looks to divide our country every day through his antics and tweets. It’s time to open a can of whoop ass! 

From here forward we will donate 100% of these t-shirt sales to the George Floyd Memorial Fund. On top of the t-shirt proceeds we have made a donation to the NAACP in the fight against social injustice against our black community. 

Let this also be a swift reminder to anyone 18+ how important your vote is this November.  It will be the most important election of your life. Register to vote and when the time comes exercise your right! 

Together it is our civil duty to fight against white supremacy in this country even when it sits in the most powerful office in the world. Justice for George Floyd, justice for America. Let’s open a can of whoop ass and hit white supremacy with a Stone Cold Stunner. Purchase and donate now!

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